25th February, 2020

Easter celebration

أحتفالات عيد الفصح

For most of us, the idea know the Events

أحتفالات أعياد الفصح والجمعة الحزينة


25th February, 2020

Christmas Day

أعياد الميلاد ورأس السنة

For most of us, the idea know the Events

أحنفالات اعياد الميلاد


25th February, 2020

St Barbara

عيد القديسة بربارة

For most of us, the idea know the Events

القدسة بربارة


25th February, 2020

The Cross

عيد الصليب

For most of us, the idea know the Events

عيد الصليب


25th February, 2020

Khabab Wedding

الاعراس في خبب

For most of us, the idea know the Events

الاعراس في خبب


25th February, 2020

The Harvest Season

موسم الحصاد

For most of us, the idea know the Events

موسم الحصاد


25th February, 2020

New Years Eve

عيد رأس السنة

For most of us, the idea know the Events

رأس السنة


25th February, 2020

Babtise Celebration


For most of us, the idea know the Events



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